Monday, February 11, 2008

Initial Steps of Adulthood

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer By: Mark Twain
Pages 71-139

Ah, I was right. Kinda. Experiencing a death can change how a person acts for the rest of their life. Tom and Huck watch someone get murdered and say they will never tell anyone. Since they won't tell anyone, they do small acts of kindness to make themselves feel better. This is very real wherever you go. Someone may feel guilty for doing something and rather than tell the person, they do a nice act for the person hoping to feel better about themselves. The main character in this story gets rejected and turns to a life of crime. He steals from a store and then regrets it and tells himself he will never do it again. He grew up a little! Like all teens go through in life, the characters go through peer pressure to try smoking. Isn't it almost as if it is a step in growing up now a days? Will he ever break his oath of not telling about his experience?

1 comment:

Mr. Malley said...

Clare, nice job so far, but try to form discussion questions that will help people who haven't read the book discuss the questions.