Thursday, April 24, 2008

Athletes Turning Pro - Week 2

Well, as I sit in Mr.Malley's room, apparently one of the best English teachers in the area, I change my question, for about the billionth time. Since my last post I have learned that there actually is a law out that says you cannot go into the pros right out of highschool. This prompted by new question of "Is the law restricting players entering the pros right out of highschool justified?"

Before doing some more research I had no idea that there were rules out restricting what age you could enter a pro sport. I have found out that in the NFL, NHL and PGA there are age requirements and restrictions. The NFL says that their restriction protects young people from physicaly harm.(Bianchi)

I'm going to say that I believe that there shouldn't be an age requirement. For some people, college is their thing and for others, sports is. For all you know, the next 18 year old athlete could be your next favorite player. I would like to believe that you only need general knowledge that you learn in high school to be successful in sports, but I'm sure there are people that will beg to differ.

It's somewhat difficult to find more information on this law, but I sill have a couple weeks. Hopefully I will have more luck tomorrow or whenever.

Bianchi, Greg. "Age Requirement in Professional Sport." US Sports Academy (2006) 28 04 2008 .

Week 2 Subliminal Messaging

I started to do more research during English class again. Using the keywords 'Subliminal Messaging" brought me to a dead end so i used 'subliminal messaging facts' and I actually got a larger variety of sites. Some of them were kinda of faint on information but a few worked out good. I even answered one of my original questions "Is subliminal messaging legal?".

I found out that in America "Not much is being done to curb the use of subliminal messages in advertising and daily use." ("Legal Issues") The Federal Communications Commission says that even if subliminal messaging does work, it is irrelevant because their broadcasts are intended to be deceptive. This makes sense to me because I don't see how they could really accuse someone of it's use. People don't even realize if they've heard a subliminal message. And what if it was accidental?

All people tend to act differently to subliminal messages. I think that it makes sense because like most things, our personalities, attitudes, upbringing, and thinking patterns all influence us in different ways. One person might have problems that they are trying to resolve, making their subconscious minds to busy to catch a hidden message. ("Does Subliminal Messaging Work?") But another person free of worries and thought would almost definitely receive the message on a subconscious level. I learned a lot from this research and will continue to search for answers for my original questions.


"Legal Issues." 25 04 2008 .

"Does Subliminal Messaging Work?." 24 04 2008 .

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

WaYs To OvErCoMe DePrEsSiOn WiThOuT mEdIcAtIoNs!! Week Two

Question: Are there ways to control/overcome depression without medications?

While doing research I found out that depression often goes undiagnosed and when it is diagnosed, too many people are being treated with drugs only. They lack the support that they need from others, which doesn't help the situation. On one website that I visited call "" they showed some examples of steps that people going through depression can do if they want to get better without drugs. You can also use these steps to help someone you know overcome their depression.

You should spend time doing things that you like and avoid the things that you don't. Also surround yourself with positive people that you like and stay away from negative people that you dislike. Don't forget that you have two choices in life. So think about it like this, you can take the next five minutes of your life and be sad and depressed or you can take those same five minutes and be happy and which ever you chose you are still using the same amount of energy. Remember to always try and have fun and laugh often. Renting funny movies can help accomplish that goal. Because trying to get over depression alone is a difficult task you should probably get a psychiatrist. If you do decide to get one, make sure that you get a good vibe from them. They should also make you feel comfortable and should not be judgemental. Don't go to a psychiatrist if you don't feel comfortable around them because you will be telling them confidential information and you should feel comfortable while doing so. Another very important piece of information is that if you're feeling suicidal, take your cellphone with you and leave your house, go for a walk or something. Get away from anything lethal. Also try to spend time with positive people when feeling suicidal. Attending a support group with people who are going through the same thing that you are, will also help you. It's great if you talk to others and learn how they cope with their illness. Setting a small goal at your support group to accomplish by your next meeting is going to help you get one step closer to recovery.

"How to Recover From Depression Without Drugs?." 04 10 2007 14 05 2008 .

Introduction - What's the best plan to overcome depression?

I became interested in the topic about depression because I know
several people who are going through it, including myself. When you are going through depression its usually because something bad happened to you that you can't get out of your head. When you are depressed you feel sad, alone, tired, and distance from friends and family and don't want to associcate or be around people. Depression can turn into a serious illness if not treated or dealt with on time. Sometimes when people are depressed they can become suicidal, start to self-mulate, also gain or lose weight.

Through out the course of my research I will like to find out if one can ever overcome depression? Do depression pills help or just make the situation worst? Are there ways to overcome depression without drugs? What to do when you or some one you know is going through depression?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Athletes Turning Pro - Week 1(Edited)

For the first part of my research project I sat in Mr. Malleys room and did most of my research there. I haven't really started to work on it at home. I began to look for any other articles that may have attempted to answer my question, "Should athletes turn pro without a college education"?. Originally, it was kind of difficult to find others' findings because I had to pick the writing wording. First I tried "athletes turning pro" and I just kept getting..well...atheletes getting signed. Then I tried "going pro right out of highschool" and I learned that there was a law out, recently, that no longer allows that. Eventually, I found the right wording, "going pro without college education" and things got easier.

First off, I found specific names of players that went straight to pro teams that I never knew did. Players like Lebron James, Kevin Garnett and Tracy McGrady. (Chylinksi) Also, I already knew that being a young player in a pro world could be physically difficult with muscle strains, broken bones and career ending injuries, but never took into concideration how it could have an effect on you mentally at such a young age. (Chylinksi) Your schedule would be pretty packed, you may suffer from lack of sleep, you might have less time to spend with family and just remember your younger.. those are the things you are supposed to get alot of at the age of 17, 18 or 19. Also, it just gets worse when you get into the championships of your sport.

I'm probably going to start looking into more sources and use this "infotrac" and see what it's about this next week. Until then...

Chylinski, Patrick. "Preps to the Pros." 03 07 2003 21 04 2008 .

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Week 1 Subliminal Advertising

I began my search in class on one of Mr. Malley's computers. By using the keywords 'subliminal messages' I got over 1 million hits. I clicked on the link to go to wikipedia. There was alot of basic information on the site like where it originated, the effectiveness of it's use, and it shows a few instances of the messages. One example I found was:
"A McDonald's logo appeared for one frame during the Food Network's Iron Chef America series on 2007-01-27, leading to claims that this was an instance of subliminal advertising. The Food Network replied that it was simply a glitch." I expected to find more examples of subliminal messages on Wikipedia, maybe even ones that I've missed while watching or reading something.

I did the other part of my research at home because I couldn't possibly think of anything else i'd rather be doing. I learned the same basic knowledge when I searched for articles on subliminal messages. Alot of articles were about the same incidents which tends to get very aggravating. One was about in the late 50's, when an advertising promoter claimed that popcorn and Coca Cola sales went up drastically by breifly flashing the words 'Drink Coca Cola' and 'hungry - eat popcorn' on a movie theater screen in New Jersey. Finally one of my questions has been answered. It is said that, without even being aware of it's pesence, peoples behavior can be greatly affected subliminal advertising. I found one article interesting that was published in a"Modern Mechanix" magazine in 1958. They said that tv's new trick was using sublimianl messages by way of 'hidden commercials'. The subtitle read: "They can pop a suggestion into your mind, using tv's or movies, without your knowing it." (Griswold) I think that I accomplished alot for my first time researching my topic.

"Subliminal Advertising." Wikipedia 16 04 2008 17 04 2008 .

Griswold, Wesley. "Subliminal Advertising (Apr, 1958)." Modern Mechanix 14 04 2008 21 04 2008 .

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Shmueli, Sandra. "'Flash mob' craze spreads." CNN.Com/Technology 08 08 2003 15 04 2008 .

"Global warming." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 15 04 2008 15 04 2008 .

Sara's citation

"Global Warming." Wikipedia 15 04 2008 15 04 2008 .

Shmueli, Sandra. "'Flash mob' craze spreads." 08 08 2003 15 04 2008 .

Clares Citation Practice

"Global Warming." Wikipedia 15 04 2008 15 04 2008 .

Shmueli, Sandra. "Flash Mob Craze Speads." CNN 08 08 2003 15 04 2008 .

Before the Search - Pro too Soon?

I am going to do my research project on wheter or not athletes are going pro too soon. I already know that many players are going pro in all sports as early as 18 years old. I also know that you only go pro for about 20 years. They have no college education but are some of the best players in the sports world, breaking records at 18 that were previously never thought to be able to be broken. My question is: Are athletes going pro too soon"?. In order to answer this question I may need to find out why players feel the need to go pro so soon?, do they have a back up plan if going pro does not work out for them since they have no college education(even though they could go after they try to go pro), do you players really know how to handle and save up that much money that they would potentially make? Also, at such a young age and in sports these days you could injure yourself to an extent that could ruin the rest of your life, why do that at 18 with your whole life ahead of you?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Subliminal messaging: before the search

About 2 years ago I recognized what 'subliminal messages' were. A friend had showed me
that a few songs that i knew played backwards, had a whole new meaning. I thought it was creepy because the message was so detailed that I don't think it could have ever been a
coincidence. I think that this is an interesting topic because it is rarely ever talked about.
I don't really know much about the topic of subliminal messages but i know that they can
be found in music, movies, magazines, commercials, and other ways of advertising. I have heard
that the messages are not supposed to be recognizable to the conscious mind. The messages are
everywhere but most people don't even realize it.
There are alot of things that i want to know about subliminal messaging. I want to know
where the idea of it all had originated. Is it legal to do? Do people recognize them when they see
them? Are some of them purely incidental? But the main question i am looking to answer is 'Does subliminal messaging affect people?