Thursday, April 17, 2008

Week 1 Subliminal Advertising

I began my search in class on one of Mr. Malley's computers. By using the keywords 'subliminal messages' I got over 1 million hits. I clicked on the link to go to wikipedia. There was alot of basic information on the site like where it originated, the effectiveness of it's use, and it shows a few instances of the messages. One example I found was:
"A McDonald's logo appeared for one frame during the Food Network's Iron Chef America series on 2007-01-27, leading to claims that this was an instance of subliminal advertising. The Food Network replied that it was simply a glitch." I expected to find more examples of subliminal messages on Wikipedia, maybe even ones that I've missed while watching or reading something.

I did the other part of my research at home because I couldn't possibly think of anything else i'd rather be doing. I learned the same basic knowledge when I searched for articles on subliminal messages. Alot of articles were about the same incidents which tends to get very aggravating. One was about in the late 50's, when an advertising promoter claimed that popcorn and Coca Cola sales went up drastically by breifly flashing the words 'Drink Coca Cola' and 'hungry - eat popcorn' on a movie theater screen in New Jersey. Finally one of my questions has been answered. It is said that, without even being aware of it's pesence, peoples behavior can be greatly affected subliminal advertising. I found one article interesting that was published in a"Modern Mechanix" magazine in 1958. They said that tv's new trick was using sublimianl messages by way of 'hidden commercials'. The subtitle read: "They can pop a suggestion into your mind, using tv's or movies, without your knowing it." (Griswold) I think that I accomplished alot for my first time researching my topic.

"Subliminal Advertising." Wikipedia 16 04 2008 17 04 2008 .

Griswold, Wesley. "Subliminal Advertising (Apr, 1958)." Modern Mechanix 14 04 2008 21 04 2008 .

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