Tuesday, May 20, 2008

CaUsEs AnD sYmPtOmS oF dEpReSsIoN!! wEeK 3

Question: What are some causes and symptoms of depression?

Knowing the symptoms of depression is very important because it will help you to know if you or someone you know is going through depression. Also knowing the causes of it is just as important because depression is a mental illness that can affect you not only mentally but also physically. I also found out that not everyone who is depressed experiences every symptom.

Some physical symptoms that people experience are changes in weight which can be lossing or gaining the weight, restlessness, fatigue, physical aches and pains, sometimes with the fear that you are seriously ill. The severity of depression symptoms varies from person to person and it also varies over time. Some common symptoms include feelings of hopelessness, lonelyness, sad, guilt, exhausted with no energy, no confidence, worthlessness, helplessness, anti-social, scared to be alone, and spending a lot of time thinking about what went wrong or what will go wrong. More severe symptoms include thoughts of death or suicide, increased heart beat, and poor concentratiion, memory or attention.
The most important that you must know is that there are also other illnesses which may have similar symptoms to depression but require very different treatments.

Just like any other illness or disease, there is not a single cause for depression. Biological, genetic and psychological factors are the combination for depression. Nobody completely understands the multiple causes of depression. Genetic, familial, biochemical, physical, psychological, and social causes are suggested possiblities by current research. Feelings of helplessness and vulnerability, anger, hopelessness and low self-esteem may be included in the psychological causes part of depression. Which can be related to abnormal character, behavior patterns and troubled personal relationships. Many patients have a history that identifies a specific personal loss or sever stessor that probably interacts with the person's predisposition to provoke major depression.

Another thing that I learned while doing research on depression is that depression can be secondary to a specific medical condition. Hypoxia, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, pneumonia, heart failure, and lupus are just a few medical conditions that depression can be secondary to. Some drugs prescribed for medical and psychiatric conditions as well as many commonly abused substances can also be a cause of depression. Examples of this include alcohol, psychotropics, steroids and oral anti diabetics. People with low self-esteem, that consistently view themselves and the world with pessimism or who are readily overwhelmed by stress, are pronr to depression. It's not clear yet if this represents a psychological predisposition or an early form of the illness. It is however very important to remember that all of the depressive disorders are treatable conditions.


"Depression Symptoms and Signs." depression-guide.com 04 03 2008 20 05 2008 .

"Depression Causes." depression-guide.com 04 03 2008 20 05 2008 .

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