Tuesday, December 18, 2007

From A Buick 8 Response #5

Overall i thought that this was a good book. It has alot of mystery and suspense but it tends to satisfy your questions towards the end of the book. I like that better than reading a book with a cliffhanger ending. Stephen King wrote an authors note at the end in which he explains where the idea for the book originated. The entire beginning of the story evolved from an incident he had while on a road trip. He tells how he could have disappeared into a river after falling down a slope, outside the gas station he was stopped at. He later turned this into the starting point of his story. He also used some of his own experience when explaining how a trooper was stuck by a car, simply because he was also hit by one. In both his experience and in the book, the coins were stripped from his pockets, as was the watch from his wrist, and a hat he was wearing was found 20 yards from impact. I think that using personal experience helps to originate better ideas for a good book like how Stephen King used his.

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