Tuesday, December 11, 2007

From a Buick 8 pages 253-267

In this part of the story i was reminded of a movie i saw recently. My book is alot like Stephen King's movie "The Mist". They have completely different settings and characters, but the unknown creatures that he describes make me visualize the ones in the movie. In the movie The Mist, one of the creatures 'tentacles' just dissolves away after touched with something. In the book that tends to happen alot also. When something appears from the trunk of the car, the troopers try to remove it from the shed where the car sits, and half of the time the object or creature disappears or dissolves when touched. There always seems to be that one character that is braver than the rest, and there is one in both the movie and book. I think its probably because they are both made from the same author but theyare alot alike.


Mr. Malley said...
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Mr. Malley said...

Good connections Sara. I've been watching Reaper lately, and that show also has evil things that seem to disappear at convenient times. Interesting. A convenient storytelling technique? What do you think the director/author gains from such occurences?